
Mind Lab

Project completed, Studio DB partnered with Mind Lab to complete an epic space that will be cutting edge now and into the future. The story of The Mind Lab is a story of recognizing and embracing change in the world and providing education that reflects that change.

Mind Lab aims to address the imbalance of what children are learning at school and the skills that the 21st century would require by introducing them to messy, creative, digital discovery.

It quickly became evident that to support young learners, Mind Lab had to raise the digital skills and capabilities of teachers, to give them the confidence and agency to ignite their classrooms and lead change within their school communities. The digital curriculum – and indeed COVID-19 – has ensured significant change, but what is known is that this curriculum should not be an endpoint but rather a springboard into a future where the classroom is as fluid as our evolving world.

Mind Lab
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The Mind Lab’s vision is to transform New Zealand education by aligning digital skills and capabilities with the demands of the contemporary world; the mission is to lead New Zealand education by sharing knowledge, collaborating, and building partnerships to achieve sustainable, impactful change. In a world where the greatest certainty is uncertainty,

Being mindful of the above design, planning and mapping of this space was critical and the partnership and journey that DB and Mind lab have experienced have been amazing. Providing Mind Lab with the ability to harness there vision and mission.

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