
Studio DB

Upon lease renewal at the old premises, Studio DB grabbed the golden opportunity of moving into a brand-new space to showcase their design and project capability and feature a smart workspace design. The business was founded in 1966 – the company wanted to commemorate its history by glorifying the retro design looks into its updated space at 57 Fort Street where the existing key location is. The demolition was followed by retrofitting this new space that involved each aspect of finishes, interior construction, and major design development.

The brief was clear: a new workspace was needed to make new ways of working a reality on a single floor plate enhancing the communication across the design teams and shifting towards a more agile and collaborative style. Employee wellbeing was the heart of our design; We adopted an open plan design with various ‘social pockets’ introducing the breakout spaces like dining and staggered seating to offer the employees a medium to socialize and collaborate.

Our idea of reviving the 1960s feel sets an overall tone for the aesthetic of the workspace. Brighter hues, dangling light fixtures and bold and daring interiors gravitate a sense of style reflecting the history of our company. Complementing this theme, our furniture draws high inspiration from the Mid-Century Modern style catalogue to add-on to the retro charm. Their diversity allows formal and informal collaborations including the design discussion conferences and the yearly get-together festival lunches.

Studio DB
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A striking piece of lush hanging planters at the kitchen countertop and a sheer-curtained centred round seating has been a focal point for our moody space. It invites a sense of welcomeness to the space while promoting a sustainable and diverse environment for our employees. This move to a new office space encourages open communication and a sense of motivation that leads to an even brighter and positive working environment. Thus, we are very proud to create this inspirational space that homes our valuable employees and supports them for the years to come.

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